Holden starts off by stating how his dorm wing was named after a guy named, Ossenburger, after he donated some money to Pencey Prep. Holden is clearly irritated by him, and finds it hilarious when Edgar Marsalla, farts in the middle of a speech he is giving out. He arrives at his room, sits down on a chair, and starts to read a book. He states that despite being illiterate, he enjoys reading books by Ring Lardner and his brother D.B., and likes a book where you can call the author up. However, before he gets too into it, he hears Robert Ackley coming out from the showers. Holden viewed him as gross, and not too bright of a person. After trying to focus on his book with Ackley distracting him, Stradlater walks in. Ackley despises Stradlater, causing him to leave.
"I got bored sitting on that washbowl after a while, so I backed up a few feet and started doing this tap dance, just for the hell of it. I was just amusing myself." (Salinger 29)
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